Thursday, January 29, 2004

AIN'T MISBEHAVIN'..except in Cyberspace

Here be a splendid group of women (mostly) talking about their digital lives. A lively discussion on that "can't get away from it" subject, "Why aren't there more women in corner offices?" Well, maybe can't get away from it is a relative term. Relative if you're of a certain class and probably even a certain race and a certain educational stripe. That is, the kind who reads the New York Times and Fast Company.

Me, I'm on my couch. And I'm reading "Boob Jubilee," an anthology of writings from the Baffler, which is a good cleansing detox for anyone who was part of any part of the Internet bubble, and/or the 80s money-porn version of that life. And I was part of both.


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