Thursday, July 08, 2004


Well, not really. But eventually. I am thinking about them, believe it or not, and yo, here's a tip for the tabloids: You can be a coke addict AND a practicing anorexic (god, that makes it sound like a religion, when in fact, when you're inside the disease, it's a cult). I learned this first in the mid80s, when I was teaching awriting to NYU undergrads, mostly dancers. (Quote from way-too skinny, lovely dancer, also using coke: "Hey, have you ever read 'Less Than Zero?' It's kind of like my life.")

Boy, if I'd had coke when I was being an early adopter of anorexia in the mid70s, I sure wouldn't be blogging today. Good luck, you girls.

And now, to the cheerful part of our blog: Sexy Science. The following is from, sponsored by representative Henry Waxman. I do love me the Web today:

The American people depend upon federal agencies to develop science-based policies that protect the nation’s health and welfare. Recently, however, leading scientific journals have begun to question whether scientific integrity at federal agencies has been sacrificed to further a political and ideological agenda.

At the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, the Democratic staff of the Government Reform Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives assessed the treatment of science and scientists by the Bush Administration.

The resulting report -- Politics and Science in the Bush Administration -- found numerous instances where the Administration has manipulated the scientific process and distorted or suppressed scientific findings. Beneficiaries include important supporters of the President, including social conservatives and powerful industry groups.

This website -- -- is an ongoing record of interference with science by the Bush Administration.


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